A downloadable game

zzzNAKE by azimov for the Homeputerium 10Liner Contest 2024


A minigame in 8 lines of pure Basic for all Zx Spectrum models.

The tap has auto-exe but if you are listing the code then type RUN 4 and press ENTER to run again.

Use keys OPQA to move the snake, collect numbers to open the doors to next level. Take care when you move across the level, you're your worst enemy here. Have fun!

Thanks to PacoVespa and Siyei Er.

1 LET x=x+(INKEY$="p")-(INKEY$="o"): LET y=y+(INKEY$="a")-(INKEY$="q"): IF ATTR (y,x)=31 THEN BEEP .1,-8: LET k=k-1: LET p=p+1: PRINT #0;AT 1,0;p: PRINT AT y,x;" ";AT 2+RND*17,2+RND*24; INK 7;" "; PAPER 3+4*(k<1);k; PAPER 7;" ": IF k=0 THEN LET z=INT (RND*4): PRINT AT 1+RND*19,31*(z=1)*(z<2);" ";AT 21*(z=2)*(z>1),1+RND*29;" ";: BEEP .2,2: BEEP .3,4
2 IF ATTR (y,x)=56 OR ATTR (y,x)=63 THEN PRINT AT y,x;"O";AT v,w; INK 1+RND*5;"o" AND (w<>x OR v<>y);: LET w=x: LET v=y: BEEP .01,1: LET c=c-1: PRINT #0;AT 1,30-(c>9)-(c>99);" ";c;: GO TO 8*(x=31)+8*(x=0)+8*(y=0)+8*(y=21)+3*(c<1)
3 BORDER 2: BEEP .6,6: PRINT AT 9,15; FLASH 1;":(": BORDER 7: LET r=p*(p>=r)+r*(r> p): FOR z=0 TO 333: NEXT z: GO TO 5
4 PAPER 7: INK 0: LET a$="################################": LET r=0
5 CLS : PRINT AT 0,0;"zzzNAKE";AT 0,26;"by azi";AT 10,12;"<<OPQA>>";AT 12,10;"Record 0000";AT 12,21-(r>9)-(r>99);r: PRINT #0;AT 0,0;"Homeputerium BASIC 10Liner Compo";AT 1,14;"2024": LET y=9: LET x=15: LET l=0: LET p=0: RESTORE
6 READ a,b: IF a=6 THEN RESTORE : GO TO 6: DATA 9,11,5,7,5,7,3,4,5,7,2,4,9,7,3,4,2,2,4,4,5,7,2,19,8,16,2,11,2.5,9,2,11,2.5,12,2,16,5,14,5,7,5,7,3,4,5,7,2,4,9,7,3,4,2,2,4,4,5,7,2,19,8,16,2,11,2.5,9,2,11,2.5,12,2,16,5,14,2,-5,3,-3,2,-3,2,-3,2,-3,9,-3,2,-1,2,-3,4,-5,2,-5,2
7 IF INKEY$="" THEN BEEP a/10,b: GO TO 6: DATA -5,2,-1,8,-7,2,-7,3.5,-5,2,-5,3.5,-5,2,-3,3,-1,2,-3,4,-1,2,-3,9,-10,2,-1,4,-3,2,-3,2,-3,2,-3,9,-3,2,-1,2,-3,4,-5,2,-5,2,-5,2,-6,8,-7,2,-7,4,-3,2,-3,4,-3,2,-3,4,-3,2,-8,4,-6,2,-5,12,-3,6,0
8 RANDOMIZE : LET l=l+1: LET k=2+l: LET c=199+k*15+10*l: LET x=x+30*(x=0)-30*(x=31): LET y=y+20*(y=0)-20*(y=21): CLS : PRINT INK 1;AT 0,0;a$;AT 21,0;a$: FOR z=0 TO 20: PRINT AT z,31; INK 1;"##": NEXT z: PRINT AT 2+RND*17,2+RND*27; PAPER 3; INK 7;k: PRINT #0;AT 1,0;p;AT 1,12;"Level 0";l: LET v=y: LET w=x: GO TO 1


zzzNAKE.tap 3 kB
zzzNAKE_info.txt 483 bytes
zzzNAKE_LIST.txt 1 kB


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I liked this new concept for a snake!

Very nice game!!!
I find it incredible what you can do in just 10 lines, good luck in the contest, although you don't need it because no matter what happens, you are a fucking legend!!!