A downloadable tool


Visual Stack

  2021 BASIC 10 Liner Submission

  By David A. Gershman - @dagershman



Visual Stack is a utility which allows the stack to have a visual aid

using sprites defined within page 1 of the Commodore 64 RAM (the



Submission Contents


visual_stack.txt    : This info file.

visual_stack.d64    : Commodore d64 disk image for use with emulator.


                : Animated .gif of the tool load, execution, and demo.


                : Screenshot of the listed program.  No abbreviations

    were needed.



Use Instructions


Upon executing the program, the screen remains blank for a bit and

then the sprites will show on the right and the "Ready." prompt

returned.  At this time, "new" can be issued and the utility is ready

for use.

The animated gif provided with this package not only illustrates the

loading and execution of the tool, but also types out some sample

programs showing the effect on the visual stack as BASIC programs are


Of special interest is the 2nd demo and the flickering pixels at the

upper portion of the visual.  These are where BASICv2 stores PETSCII

representation of floating point numbers.  Also of interest is the 3rd

demo which shows the exhaustion of the stack.


Program Listing


0 print "{clr}":v=53248
1 x=56334:poke x, peek(x) and 254
2 for i=0to128:poke 256+i,0:next
3 poke x, peek(x) or 1
4 for i=4to7:poke 2040+i,i:next
5 for i=0 to 3: poke 53291+i,1:next
6 poke 53271,255:poke 53277,255:poke 53264,255
7 for i=0to3:poke 53256+2*i,40:poke 53257+2*i,82+i*42:next
8 poke 53269,240


Program Explanation



** Line 0 **


print "{clr}"

  Clear the screen.  Not really needed but I'm used to putting this at

  the top of my BASIC programs. :)


  Start of sprite registers and used for preservation of characters

  per line.  However, the program didn't use it as I was in a rush to

  get this written and submitted. *sigh*


** Line 1 **



  Register for turning on/off interrupts.

poke x, peek(x) and 254

  Turn off Interrupts


** Line 2 **


for i=0to128:poke 256+i,0:next

  Clear the lower-half of the stack.  I attempted to clear all of it

  as in my ASM version of this program but the BASIC interpreter

  chokes.  By clearing half, the stack is cleared enough to start

  "fresh".  Only the "top of the stack" is visible as needed by the



** Line 3 **


poke x, peek(x) or 1

  Turn interrupts back on.


** Line 4 **


for i=4to7:poke 2040+i,i:next

  Set sprite pointers 4-7 to the four portions of the stack at page 1

  of RAM.



** Line 5 **


for i=0 to 3: poke 53291+i,1:next

  Set all four sprites to white.



** Line 6 **


poke 53271,255:poke 53277,255

  Expand the sprites in X and Y direction.

poke 53264,255

  Set the X position high-bit to 1 since all sprites will be on the



** Line 7 **


for i=0to3:poke 53256+2*i,40:poke 53257+2*i,82+i*42:next

  First poke sets the x-position of all sprites, second poke sets the

  y-position of each sprite.


** Line 8 **


poke 53269,240

  Turn on sprites 4 through 7.


Version 2.0


This was a last-minute effort, a port of an ASM program I made, very

near the deadline for submissions.  Unfortunately I didn't have time

to create the shortest, most efficient code.  Below is a shorter

version but does not reflect the actual submission.

0 z=240:v=53248:x=3086+v:pokex,peek(x)andz+14:fori=0to128:poke z+16+i,0:next

1 pokex,peek(x)or1:pokev+23,z:pokev+29,z:pokev+16,z:fori=0to3

2 poke2040+4+i,4+i:pokev+8+2*i,40:poke v+9+2*i,82+i*42:pokev+43+i,1:next:pokev+21,z


listing_and_execution.gif 5.5 MB
visual_stack.d64 170 kB
visual_stack.txt 5.2 kB

Install instructions

Emulator Usage/Loading/Execution


Visual Stack was developed on a Linux host using the VICE C64 Emulator 

('x64' binary).  To execute the program, it is presumed the

reader/user has knowledge of VICE and mounting of .d64 images.

To run the program, the reader/user must mount the provided .d64 file

using the VICE emulator running the "x64" binary.

After mounting the disk, issue the following commands:

    load "*",8 <ENTER>

followed by

    run <ENTER>

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