Two canaries pecking (C16 / Plus4) by RoePipi
A downloadable game
Two canaries peck for their own good, unintentionally increasing their scores - perfect for some competitive fun. 2 players only.
Use two (real or emulated) joysticks to control two canaries as they peck at wiggling worms. Move around and spot one of the two ever-wiggling worms to try and peck it. Position yourself so the worm is wiggling between your beak and your leg. Press and hold the fire button to catch the worm - it should work within one or two tries.
If you succeed, you earn 10 points, and the worm disappears, making room for a new one somewhere :)
You can't hurt each other, but you can steal each other's worms :)
Play until you get bored!
Use the LIST command to view the program lines.
0 set sound volume
set canaries' base gfx
1 read joystick X,Y deltas
set canaries' pecking gfx
init actual canary and worm #
2 set canaries' starting positions
read worm gfx
modify base gfx for orange canary
modify base gfx for moving
set initial canaries anim phase
3 set border color
set background color
set pecking sound pitch
display title
wait for a key
clear screen
4 set worm(s) random positions
set game started
set some constants
5 MAIN LOOP: get actual canary's positions
read actual joystick
if fire button pushed, cancel move, make pecking sound, draw pecking gfx, if worm X position hit, go to 9
6 set new X position
set new Y position
if moved, make move sound, cycle moving gfx phase
7 draw actual canary
store actual canary's positions
cycle actual worm # by 1/2
(joystick deltas data)
8 draw worms gfx
cycle actual canary #
go to 5
(joystick deltas and worm gfx data)
9 if worm Y position miss, go to 6, else make hit sound, increase actual canary's score, print actual canary's score, go to 4
A$ pecking animation gfx base; key pressed at start
D beep sound delta (99)
F(1/2) canaries anim phase (2/4)
I loop variable; pecking sound pitch (800)
J actual joystick value
J(0-8) joystick X deltas (-1/0/1): 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1
K actual canary (1/2)
K(0-8) joystick Y deltas (-1/0/1): 0,-1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1
= DATA,-1,1,-1,1,,1,1,,1,-1,1,-1,,-1,-1
K$(1-6) canary gfx
1: yellow pecking
2: orange pecking
3: yellow standing
4: orange standing
5: yellow moving
6: orange moving
L canary X limit (33)
M(1/2) worm X pos (1-35)
N(1/2) worm Y pos (4-23)
P beep sound pitch (382)
S(1/2) canaries' scores
W actual worm (1/1.5/2/2.5)
W$(1/2) worm gfx (wiggle)
X actual canary X pos (0-33)
X(1/2) canaries X pos (0-33)
Y worms init signal (0); actual canary Y pos (1-20)
Y(1/2) canaries Y pos (1-20)
I'd love for someone to make this game in C64 BASIC with sprites. I'm curious how much smoother it would be.
Install instructions
Recommended emulator: YAPE
How to start the game:
1. File / Attach disk image...
2. Select and open the .d64 image
3. Enter command: DLOAD"*" and press Enter
4. If you wish to LIST the program, see PROGRAM LINES OVERVIEW down below.
5. Enter command: RUN and press Enter
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Super creative, looks great.