Two Canaries Fighting by RoePipi
A downloadable game
Two canaries fight, for the greater glory, under a neat skyline. For 2 players.
Recommended emulator: YAPE
How to start the game:
1. File / Attach disk image...
2. Select and open the .d64 image
3. Enter command: DLOAD"*" and press Enter
4. If you wish to LIST the program, see PROGRAM LINES OVERVIEW down below.
5. Enter command: RUN and press Enter
Use 2 (real or emulated) joysticks to control 2 canaries to fight each other. If you move the stick towards the other player, you attack them with your sword. If the other player is not in self-defending pose, you hit them. You can swing in defend pose with moving the stick away from the other player. Beware, your motions last for a moment only.
If you manage to hit the other player 16 times, you're awarded one point, then the fight continues.
Play until getting bored of it.
Use the LIST command to view the program lines.
lines purpose
----- -------
0 first-time variable inits, call instructions at line 9
1 define canaries' main bodies
2 define hits gfx, init next fight
3 draw skylines
4 get and apply movement, display canary gfx phase
5 if hit, prepare it; else go to 7 (& legs & swords gfx data 1 of 2)
6 make hit sound & gfx, on win prepare it and go to 8
7 swap player and go to 4 (& legs & swords gfx data 2 of 2)
8 change background to winner's color, display winner text, wait then go to 2
9 brief instructions, wait then return
A actual canary action (0: idle, 1: attack, -1: parry);
also loop variable, temporary variable
C$(1-2) canary gfx (1: left, 2: right)
C actual canary number (1: left, 2: right)
D actual canary facing (1: right, -1: left)
E enemy canary position (0: idle, 1: attacking, -1: parrying)
F$(2-7) canary features (legs & swords) gfx per animation phases
H$(1-2) hits gfx
H(1-2) hits count
J(0-7) joystick movement to canary direction translation (-1/0/1)
P actual canary position (0: idle, 1: attacking, -1: parrying)
P(1-2) canary points (won matches count)
R$ "go to next line" string
Status | Released |
Author | BASIC 10Liner |
Genre | Fighting |
Tags | 8-Bit, basic, basic10liner, c16, commodore16 |
Development log
- Image downloadApr 08, 2021
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