A downloadable game



Commodore 64 Game - BASIC 10 Liner Contest, 2025

Author: Josip Retro Bits (Josip Kalebic)

Platform: C64

Language: Commodore BASIC V2

Category: PUR-80

Play and rules:


The goal of the game is to fill the whole game area with tiles collect and collect all numbers in ascending order. There is only one rule: Moving in the same direction cancels the previous tile, which disappears. If you hit more than 3 times into the wall or already taken location, game ends. Once the whole game area is filled with tiles, move more than 3 times in any direction and game will end with a "Victory" message :)



Joystick in Port B

Use numpad if running in VICE emulator.

Code overview:


(code is written using CBM prg studio)


Line 0


Build the wall around game area.


Line 1


Create 4 random numbers and place them inside game area; prints game name


Line 2

a$(1)="{reverse on}{sh pound}{cm asterisk}{down}{left}{left}{reverse off}{cm asterisk}{sh pound}":a$(0)="  {down}{left}{left}  ":x=10:y=2:pO53281,0:b=1:t=1:e$="{left}/80":gO6

Define tile string and other game paramterse; goto 6: creates first tile in top left corner.


Line 3 and 4



Read Joystick inputs; calulate new x and y values; peek x,y new position


Line 5


Detects if player hit number or already taken postion; if player hits wall or already  taken poistion more than 3 times, game jumps to line 8; game end 


Line 6


Prints tile on new location; if move direction is same as previous then it deletes the previous tile.


Line 7


Prints current score and number of collected numbers; If numbers are collected in incorrect order continue on line 8 (game ends)


Line 8


End of the game; prints "Vicrtory" if all game area is filled with tiles.


Line 9


Subroutine to print or delete tile at requested position on the screen. 



tiles.bas 847 bytes
tiles.prg 646 bytes
tiles_description.md 2.8 kB

Install instructions

Loading in VICE(C64 emulator):


Start VICE; Choose "File"->"Smart attach" and select "tiles.prg" file.

Type RUN <enter> to start the game.

Drag and drop into "tiles.prg" VICE window  into the VICE window.

Game will automaticly strart.

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