A downloadable game


This is a Tic Tac Toe game for the Commodore 64. 

A 3x3 matrix will appear representing the TIC TAC TOE game. The user plays X and the Computer plays O. When Prompted for a “MOVE?”, type the number of the grid square where you would like to place your X. The screen will redraw with your X in place while the computer decides its next move. The screen will then redraw again with the computers move and the process continues until there is a winner or a tie. The game is suitable for kids as the computer will generally make good moves but is not unbeatable.

Line by line description:


Dimension arrays for bitwise mask, test, and action arrays and reads that data,

GOSUB is for the display routine.

1 PRINT"SMOVE?":GETG$:M=VAL(G$):M=-(M<9)*M:l=2^M:if(G$="")or((X+OANDl)>0)THENGOTO1

Get X move and test to see if it is a free space. X and O are 9 bit integers that represent all the spaces held by the X and O marks. They are automatically initialized to zero at program execution.

2 X=X+2^M:GOSUB6:IFX+O>510THENPRINT"TIE":END:DATA1,8,0,3,32,0,5,128,0,7,64,0,6,4,0,2

Update X value. X is a 9bit integer of spaces the Xs are in. If all spaces full without winner then tie.

3 FORI=1to23:IF(XANDB(I))=T(I)AND(OAND2^A(I))=0THENM=A(I):DATA1,0,0,256,0,8,16,0

Evaluate defensive moves from lowest priority to highest, save the best move as M.


Look for opportunities for O to win and take them if available.

5 NEXT:)O=O+2^M:GOSUB6:GOTO1:DATA457,257,6,457,136,6,457,264,6,295,258,2,7,3,2

Call the routine to display new board and check for a winner routine.

6 PRINT"SQQ":FORI=0TO2:FORJ=0TO2:K=3*I+J:L=2^K:S=88+((OANDL)=0AND(XANDL)=0)*(40-K)

Display new board, S is ascii code of item in the current square, X,O, or number of square

7 S=S+9*((OANDL)>0):R=18-128*(S<70):PRINTCHR$(R)+CHR$(S);:NEXT:PRINT:NEXT

R is code for reverse video if an X or O is in the square


Check for a winner which are moves 15-22. Z is zero by default unless any row/col/diagonal has all 1s

9 RETURN:DATA56,24,5,448,320,7,73,9,6,146,18,7,292,260,5,273,272,0,84,80,2,7,5,1

More data


Prosser 2023 10 line.docx 537 kB
Prosser2023.d64 170 kB
TIC.txt 2.4 kB

Install instructions

This program works nicely on the C64 VICE Emulator. To play, load the game from disk:


When loaded, type RUN and return to start the game.


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very good