Rescued (MSX2) by ZioOry
A downloadable game
The game runs on all the best MSX emulators. Tested with OPEN MSX, BLUE MSX, and WEB MSX without any issues. Please remember that the emulator must be set to MSX2 or MSX2+. It doesn't work with MSX1 and is unplayable with MSX Turbo R.
The game has been sent in disk format. The disk will have the Autoexec.bas file to start the game automatically; you just need to insert the disk into the emulator and reset.
Let me explain how to play.
The name of the game is "RESCUED". The goal of the game is to save as many people as possible. How? By having them cross a street full of pirate cars that won't hesitate to run them over. The first crossing will be very simple; you'll see the cars stopped, but the more people you get across, the more the cars will increase their speed. The game ends when a pedestrian is hit. There will be a counter at the top left of the screen that adds up all the rescued people. There will also be a drum sound that increases with the speed of the cars, like a warning. There will also be a plane flying over the highway, but only as a decoration. After the game over, the game will restart, resetting everything, and this will be infinite. The keys to play are the two cursor keys, right and left.
Source Code
0A$="78F878307CFEFFBDBDBD7C6CCCC663E7"+STRING$(32,48):B$="173F3FDCDCDF3F3F3F3F38D8DCDF3F19E8FCFC3B3BFBFCFCFCFC1C1B3BFB" 1B$=B$+"FC30":DEFINTA-Z:SCREEN8,2:OPEN"grp:"AS#1:FORI=0TO1:FORJ=1TO63STEP2:S$=S$+CHR$(VAL("&H"+MID$(A$,J,2))):NEXT:A$=" 2A$=B$:SPRITE$(I)=S$:S$="":NEXT:COLOR28,0,0:CLS:X=240:Y=190:S=20:ONINTERVAL=50GOSUB8:ONSPRITEGOSUB9:SPRITEON:INTERVALON 3FORN=24TO216STEP32:LINE(N,190)-(N+16,211),255,BF:NEXT:LINE(0,0)-(19,211),70,BF:LINE(235,0)-(255,211),70,BF:GOSUB7 4LINE(125,30)-(130,182),255,BF:SETPAGE,1:CLS:DRAW"bm1,8c75e3f3r15f3g3l7bl4l6h4u2bm8,11d7f4e4u7":PAINT(4,9),75:SETPAGE,0 5J=STICK(0):X=X-2*(J=3)+2*(J=7):FORF=1TO2:PUTSPRITEF,(X(F),Y1),10,1:NEXT:Y1=Y1+Z:IFY1>200THENY1=0:GOSUB7 6PUTSPRITE0,(X,Y),8,0:IFX<9THENX=240:Y1=0:M=M+1:INTERVALOFF:CLS:PSET(22,0):PRINT#1,"MEN:";M:Z=Z+1:INTERVALON:GOTO3ELSE5 7X(1)=(RND(-TIME)*80)+20:X(2)=(RND(-TIME)*90)+130:SOUND6,11:SOUND7,247:SOUND8,16:SOUND11,1:SOUND12,7:SOUND13,0:RETURN 8COPY(50,4)-(75,22),1TO(S,10):S=S+8:IFS>200THENS=20:RETURNELSECOPY(1,4)-(25,22),1TO(S,10):RETURN 9BEEP:PLAY"T100V13L8RO4ECDO3GRGO4DEC":PRESET(72,99):PRINT#1,"YOU ARE DEAD":FORR=0TO9999:NEXT:RUN
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Great mini game, thanks.
Grazie Marco🤗
very good