A downloadable game

--- RAPPEL ---

A ZX Spectrum game for the 2022 BASIC 10Liner contest from Homeputerium


Antonio Silva – Avlixa



Climbing a huge mountain you are caught in an avalanche that pushes you back.  Escape by rappelling as fast as possible.  Avoid getting caught on the ledges.  Watch out for falling rocks.

A game for ZX Spectrum 16K/48K.

**Game description

You start rappeling by descending automatically.  If you get stuck on a ledge you will lose time and get closer to the avalanche that never stops.

The game ends when you reach the top of the screen, the avalanche.

You can avoid the ledges by making small jumps by pressing any key.  Hold down the chosen key for a longer jump.

Avoid being hit by loose rocks during the fall, or you will die.

How low can you get? The more, the better score.


rappel10Liner.tap 1.3 kB
rappel-10Liner-v1.0.bas 1 kB
rappel-instructions.pdf 85 kB
rappel-instrucciones.pdf 89 kB
rappel-instructions.txt 1.3 kB

Install instructions

**Loading the game

The game is distributed in a .tap file,  rappel10Liner.tap

You can play it in your favourite ZX Spectrum emulator.  If you do not have one, I recommend FUSE emulator http://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/

Dowload and install it.  It is recommendable to use a Spectrum 16K or 48K machine.

Load the game by drag-n-drop the .tap or using the menú option file→open.  

The game starts automatically. 

If you BREAK the game to watch the listing, you must run it again with RUN 10.

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