Pelmanism (match the pairs) by David Payne
A downloadable game
There are 8 pairs of coloured shapes in a 4 x 4 grid, initially unrevealed. You need to reveal them and match the pairs.
Each player reveals 2 coloured shapes. If they match then the player gets another go else the shapes disappear and it's the turn of the other player.
Once all of the pairs of coloured shapes have been matched the winner is the player who has matched the most pairs.
Keys: A to P (as indicated by the grid shown on screen)
The emulator that I used is an online one: JSBeeb -
Simply copy and paste the source code into it and then type RUN
Technical information:
The program stucture (referring to the expanded version) is as follows:
lines 100 to 211 is the initialisation
lines 212 to 301 is the main game loop
lines 302 to 400 (when z=0) is the end of game
line 400 (when z<>0) "remembers" a shape and erases the previously drawn shape from the screen
lines 500 to 506 is the first half of the shape drawing routine
lines 600 to 800 is the computer player turn
line 800 (when k=0) displays the ABCD grid which is called in the initialisation
lines 900 to 1000 is the human player turn
line 1000 (when k<>1) is the second half of the shape drawing routine
The RETURN for the 400, 500, 600 and 900 subroutines is the same one for all of them, the one on line 1007.
This is because the 400 subroutine drops into 500 and both the 600 and 900 subroutines are exited with a GOTO 500.
Variables used:
a(15) - array for the 4 x 4 game grid. The shapes are represented by a number 1 to 8. 0 means that the position is empty.
c(8,1) - the computer player's "memory". c(x,0) will contain the grid position+1 of the 1st occurence of shape x, c(x,1) will contain the grid position+1 of the 2nd occurence of shape x.
d(1) - the player types. d(0) is the player type for player 1. 90 is for a human player, 60 is the computer (these are 900 and 600 in the expanded version). d(1) is the player type for player 2.
You can set them both to 90 (or 900) for a 2 player game or set them both to 60 (or 600) to make the computer play itself.
s(1) - the player scores. s(0) is player 1's score. s(1) is player 2's score.
l - the skill level (0-10). 10 is the highest skill level where the computer has perfect memory, 0 is the lowest skill level where the computer has no memory; it makes a random guess each time.
l is the probability (out of 10) that the computer "remembers" a shape when it is revealed. So when l is 5, for example, the probability of it remembering a shape is 5/10 or 50%.
i,j,t,g - general purpose variables. The 600 and 900 subroutines (computer and human turns) set i and j to the grid positions of the 1st and 2nd shapes selected.
w - how long the revealed shapes are displayed for before disappearing (in 1/100th's of a second, so 100 = 1 second)
p - the current player, 0 = player 1, 1 = player 2
z - the number of unmatched pairs. This is set to 8 initially. The game ends when this is 0.
u - the colour scheme
x,y - used in the shape drawing routine. The x and y coordinates of the shape being drawn.
r,q,f - used in the shape drawing routine.
e - used in the human player turn routine, e=0 when selecting the 1st shape and e=1 when selecting the 2nd.
k - is always set to 1 apart from in 3 places:
when calling subroutine 800 in the initialisation (k=0)
in subroutine 400 when "remembering" a shape and then k is set to 0 to erase the shape (i.e. k=0 when it drops into the shape drawing routine).
later in the shape drawing routine k is set to the number of sides that the shape being drawn has.
it gets reset back to 1 at the end of the shape drawing routine.
Computer player strategy:
The strategy used by the computer player is simple, but effective, it will beat you most of the time (at the highest skill level).
First of all it remembers all revealed shapes (at the highest skill level anyway).
If there any known pairs then select a known pair.
Else reveal an unknown shape, if you know where it's partner is then select it.
Else reveal a 2nd unknown shape (there's still a chance that you'll guess a pair).
Full listing with comments: initialisation 100MODE1 101VDU23,1,0;0;0;0; numeric arrays are initialised to 0 102DIMa(15),c(8,1),d(1),s(1) set player 1 type to human 103d(0)=900 set player 2 type to computer 104d(1)=600 set skill level to 10 (highest) 105l=10 1 second delay after displaying shapes 106w=100 put the 8 shapes in the grid 107FORi=0TO15 108a(i)=i DIV2+1 109NEXT seed the pseudo random number generator 110j=RND(-TIME) now shuffle the grid 200FORi=0TO14 201j=16-RND(16-i) 202t=a(j) 203a(j)=a(i) 204a(i)=t 205NEXT current player = player 1 206p=0 number of unmatched pairs = 8 207z=8 set the colour scheme 208u=RND(6) 209k=0 210GOSUB800 211k=1 main game loop 212REPEAT call computer/human turn routine depending on player type of current player 213GOSUB(d(p)) 214g=INKEY(w) if the 2 shapes match then increment the current player's score, decrement the number of unmatched pairs, "forget" the pair and remove the 2 shapes from the grid. if the 2 shapes do not match then remember/erase the 2 shapes and set the current player the other player. 300IFa(i)=a(j)THENs(p)=s(p)+1:z=z-1:c(a(i),1)=0:a(i)=0:a(j)=0 ELSEt=j:j=i:GOSUB400:j=t:GOSUB400:p=1-p 301UNTILz=0 end of game (VDU30 positions the cursor at the top left of the screen) 302VDU30 remember/erase shape (when z<>0) and end of game continued (when z=0) when RND(10)>l the shape isn't remembered; it will get updated into c(0,0) or c(0,1) which aren't checked for as there is no shape 0. 400IFz THENk=c(a(j),0):c(a(j)*-(RND(10)<=l),(k<>0)*(k<>j+1))=j+1:k=0 ELSEPRINT"P1:";s(0);" P2:";s(1):VDU23,1,1;0;0;0;:END shape drawing routine - part 1 change palette to use colour scheme 500VDU19,1,u;0;19,2,(u+1)MOD6+1;0; 501x=256+j MOD4*256 502y=896-j DIV4*256 set graphics colour, shapes will be erased (i.e. drawn in black) when k=0 503GCOL0,(2-a(j)MOD2)*k set k to number of sides (3 to 6) 504k=(a(j)+5)DIV2 505r=360/k 506GOTO1000 computer player turn display the current player in top left 600VDU30,80,p+49 look for known pairs 601t=9 602REPEAT 603t=t-1 604UNTILt=0ORc(t,1)<>0 if found a known pair then select and display the 2 shapes 605IFt THENj=c(t,0)-1:GOSUB500:g=INKEY(w):i=j:j=c(t,1)-1:GOTO500 else select and display an unknown shape 700REPEAT 701j=RND(16)-1 702UNTILa(j)<>0ANDc(a(j),0)<>j+1 703GOSUB500 704g=INKEY(w) 705i=j if you know where it's partner is then select and display it 706IFc(a(i),0)<>0THENj=c(a(i),0)-1:GOTO500 else select and display a 2nd unknown shape (when k<>0) 800IFk THENREPEAT:j=RND(16)-1:UNTILa(j)<>0ANDc(a(j),0)<>j+1ANDj<>i:GOTO500 ELSEPRINT''"ABCD"'"EFGH"'"IJKL"'"MNOP":RETURN human player turn display the current player in top left 900VDU30,80,p+49 901i=-1 902FORe=0TO1 select a valid shape (2nd shape must not be same as 1st) 903REPEAT 904j=(GETOR32)-97 905IFj<0ORj>15ORj=i THENUNTIL0 ELSEUNTILa(j)<>0 display 1st shape 906IFe=0THENGOSUB500:i=j 2nd part of human player turn (when k=1) and 2nd part of shape drawing routine (when k<>1) 1000IFk=1THENNEXT:GOTO500 ELSEMOVEx,y+100 1001FORq=1TOk 1002f=RAD(q*r) 1003MOVEx,y PLOT85 draws triangles 1004PLOT85,x+100*SIN(f),y+100*COS(f) 1005NEXT 1006k=1 1007RETURN
Status | Released |
Author | BASIC 10Liner |
Genre | Puzzle |
Tags | 8-Bit, basic, basic10liner, bbc-micro |
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