A downloadable game

# msx-dino.bas


Attempt to recreate the famous Chrome browser Dino game on a 10-liner MSX-Basic program

It can be run on any MSX machine (all generations) or MSX emulator by loading the file "DiskImage.dsk".

Can also be run directly on any browser:

    https://msxpen.com/codes/-NR883eaKwP32_gy2gB0 (production version)

    https://msxpen.com/codes/-NR8-A7dx6l4xVtpQTxI (development version)


- Just use spacebar to jump

Full explanation of code available in the file "code explained.bas"

Sprites were made with TinySprite. A backup file file is provided ("tinysprite_bkp.txt").

code explained


0 ' ------------ Initialization

1 RESTORE       ' necessary to read DATA on game restart

2 DEFINT b-z    ' integer variables are faster


4 SCREEN 1,2,0 

5 y = 128   ' initializing only vars with value different from 0 (default value for INT)

6 m = -1    ' Enemy X (set to -1 to force first enemy respawn)

7 s = 0     ' Score (needs to be reset on each new game)

8 ON SPRITE GOSUB 70    ' setting up collision detection

9 SPRITE ON             ' enabling collision detection

10 ' ------------ Initialization (cont.)

11 FOR i=0 TO 68

12    VPOKE 6688+(i AND 31), 0      ' fill one NAMTBL (32 chars) line with the value of floor tiles (0)

13    READ a$

14    VPOKE 14343+i, VAL("&H" + a$) ' fill SPRPAT for the 3 sprites (69 bytes). (the zeroes on the start/end of patterns are ignored)


16 b = 1    ' foreground color = BLACK

17 f = 15   ' background color = WHITE

20 ' ------------ Initialization (cont.)

21 f(0) = 1     ' floor frame #0 (00000001 pattern)

22 f(1) = 4     ' floor frame #1 (00000100 pattern)

23 f(2) = 16    ' floor frame #2 (00010000 pattern)

24 f(3) = 64    ' floor frame #3 (01000000 pattern)

25 ' part of sprite pattern data, put here to use empty line space

26 DATA 4,6,7,23,73,FF,7,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,80 

29 '------------------------------- MAIN LOOP ----------------------------- 

30 ' ------------ Floor animation

31 VPOKE 6, f(s AND 3) ' change just one line of the tile pattern #0 (floor tile)

32 ' ------------ Player jump (between Y coordinates 128 and 81)

33 IF y < 81 THEN j=3 ELSE IF y = 128 THEN j = STRIG(0)*3 ' STRIG(0) returns -1 when space bar is pressed, making jump control variable (j) equal -3. If not pressed returns 0 making j = 0

40 ' ------------ Enemy respawn

41 ' This IF had to be divided in two lines (this one and 50)

42 IF m < 0 THEN n = 96+INT(RND(1)*3) * 16 : i = b : b = f : f = i : v = s/100 + 2 : IF v > 6 THEN v = 7

43 ' n = 96+INT(RND(1)*3) * 16  ' random new enemy Y value

44 ' i = b : b = f : f = i      ' invert background and foreground colors

45 ' v = s/100 + 2              ' update current game speed (minimum 2) based on score

46 ' IF v > 6 THEN v = 7        ' cap max game speed to 7

50 IF m < 0 THEN BEEP : m = 255 : LOCATE 22,1 : ?s : COLOR f,b,4 : p = 0 : IF n = 128 THEN p = s AND 2

51 ' BEEP

52 ' m = 255                            ' enemy X initial value

53 ' LOCATE 22,1 : ?s                   ' print score

54 ' COLOR f,b,4                        ' update screen foreground and background colors

55 ' p = 0                              ' set enemy pattern to 0 (bird)

56 ' IF n = 128 THEN p = s AND 2        ' if enemy Y is 128 (floor level) it can be pattern 0 (bird) or 2 (cactus)

60 ' ------------ Gameplay

61 PUTSPRITE 0, (32, y), f, 1   ' player sprite

62 y = y+j                      ' pleyer Y plus j (jump control variable)

63 PUTSPRITE 1, (m, n), f, p    ' enemy sprite

64 s = s+1                      ' increment score

65 m = m-v                      ' update enemy X based on current game speed (v)

66 GOTO 30                      ' restart main loop

69 '------------------------------- MAIN LOOP ----------------------------- 

70 ' ------------ Collision

71 LOCATE 22, 1 

72 ?s                   ' print score

73 LOCATE 11,11

74 ? "GaMeOvEr"         ' print game over string

75 PLAY "DFDA"          ' play game over sound

76 FOR i=0 TO 3000      ' wait a few instants


78 SPRITE OFF           ' disabling collision detection to avoid it being re-triggered on next restart

80 RETURN 0             ' restart game

81 ' Sprite data is on hexadecimal, which is less verbose than decimal and binary, saving a few chars.

82 ' Besides this, data is adjusted in a way that the empty parts of the sprites

83 ' are on the start and end of the sequence and can be ignored

84 ' (VRAM is filled with zeroes by the interpreter on initilization)

85 ' Other trick is trying to put the sprite the rightmost possible inside the

86 ' 16x16 (or 8x16) box, to give smaller hexa numbers (the left digit can be ignored if is 0)

89 DATA C0,E0,FF,F8,FE,0,0,0,0,0,20,20,31,3F,1F,F,7,7,6,4,6,1E,2F,3F,38

90 DATA 3F,78,F8,FE,F8,F0,F0,E0,C0,80,80,C0,18,1B,DB,DB,DB,DE,7C,38,18,18,18,18


code explained.bas 4.2 kB
DINO development version.BAS
DINO.BAS 768 bytes
README.md 656 bytes
tinysprite_bkp.txt 902 bytes


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Good game. The only thing I didn't really like is that after a few jumped obstacles, the speed no longer continues to increase.