Mandelbrot Explorer by Rob and Kenny
A downloadable tool
# Mandelbrot Explorer for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum
A character-based Mandelbrot-Set explorer in BASIC (in 10 lines or less!!)
Prints a Mandelbrot Set as characters. Since calculating the Mandelbrot is quite intensive for an 8-bit machine, and the ZX Spectrum is a 1980's computer, this takes some time to execute and complete.
Originally started for the BASIC 10 Liner contest
# Keys
5-6-7-8 for moment (7=Up, 5=Left, 6=Down, 8=Right) (not shifted). These are the traditional Sinclair ZX Spectrum cursor keys, and are marked as such on ZX Spectrum keyboards.
Space bar for zoom - 1x, 2x (then resets to 1x)
# Running the Fast version
Load the file 'Mandelbrot_fast.tzx'. It is set to Auto-run. In the Fuse emulator you can do this with Open File menu item. (You could also type LOAD "" from either 128K or 48K basic once you've 'inserted the tape' (in Fuse via the Media->Tape->Open menu). Other Spectrum emulators work as well, of course :-)
The fast version is always up to date - we create the slow Sinclair BASIC version after working on the fast version.
# Compiling the Fast version
The fast version uses Boriel's ZXBasic compiler: We suggest you get it from here to get the latest version - although you can install an older version using pip.
The command line we use to compile it to a tape file is:
../zxbasic/ Mandelbrot_fast.bas --tzx --BASIC --autorun --string-base=1 -O2 --strict-bool --strict
## Command Line Options
The string-base is required so that the Sinclair BASIC match. The strict bool so we can use bool in complex expressions like Sinclair BASIC.
# Loading the slow Sinclair BASIC version
Load the tap file into an emulator, for example Fuse. The tape should load into a 48K or 128K machine. It should also load into a Spectrum Next - although this hasn't been tested.
You will need to type 'RUN' after loading the program (if you type LOAD "" from BASIC, or go to basic and type run) - it's not set to auto-run the program. Feel free to view the source in Spectrum BASIC. You will see this is the same as the .bas files in the github repo.
This Spectrum BASIC version is slow - the compiled version as expected is quicker.
The spectrum version was converted to a tape with this command:
../zmakebas-1.5.2/zmakebas -o Mandelbrot_slow_SinclairBasic.tap -n mandel Mandelbrot_slow_SinclairBasic.bas
# Source code and notes between the slow and fast versions
Both the Fast and the Sinclair BASIC versions have the same code except for the first DIM (definitions) on line 10, which defines the variables for the compiler.
The fast version uses fixed point numbers rather than floating point, and due to this the display is very slightly different.
# About the Authors
Written by Kenny Osborne and Rob Probin, March 2020. We both live in Scotland, with the largest big city being Glasgow. We are both software engineers who like playing with various technologies outside of our day jobs.
Rob's second computer (after the the ZX81) was the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K, which he used for years before moving to 16-bit computers.
# Acknowledgements
* Based on the Wikipedia article here:, with the idea of using ASCII characters from a stackoverflow post here:
* Thanks to Boriel for the ZX BASIC compiler
* Thanks to for showing the impossible is possible. Also for the key movement idea.
* To Russell Marks for zmakebas - that saved a LOT of typing in a spectrum emulator! It's on github, but you can also get it here:
* Last but not least, thanks to BASIC 10 Liner for actually getting us to make something for the old Speccy in BASIC :-)
# 'Minified' Source Code
The contest specifies restrictions for source - but no major tricks have been used. It depends whether you count ASCII version or the Sinclair version how many characters. But the text complies with about 213 characters per line on line 90. The following items have been used to reduce the source slightly:
* One letter variable names.(No conflicts between integer and string to support compiler).
* Movement is an expression not IF string compares.
* Multiple statements on each line.
There are 10 lines in this program, and all of them are less than 256 characters long when in ASCII.

This is even without the tokenisation rule allowed for Sinclair machines here:
# Formatted and Commented Source Code
NOTE: The single line if's have been split across lines. This will NOT compile
in ZXBASIC and would require the addtion of ENDIFs - this is just for ease of commenting. Sinclair
BASIC only has statements on a single line after an IF - and ZXBASIC supports this single line version.
' Line 10 sets up the BASIC variables and clears the screen. ' The first three of these define variables only for ZXBASIC and not used in Sinclair BASIC version 10 DIM p,q,t,x,y,x2,y2,r,c,d,e,g,h as FIXED: DIM z,f,w,k as Integer: DIM v,m as Byte: ' Create an array of characters to print for each interation level DIM a$(81): FOR i=1 TO 81: LET a$(i)=CHR$(32+i): ' Fill character string array with the different string characters NEXT i: CLS: ' Clear the screen LET l$=";" ' Set key default needs to be something unlikely to be entered as a key by default ' Line 20 sets up zoom 1x. ' We jump back to here when zoom is bigger than allowed 20 LET d=-1: ' See variable description for information on the variables LET e=1: LET g=-2: LET h=1: LET z=22528: ' This is the start of the colour (attribute) memory LET f=0: ' This is how far through the attribute memory the user has moved LET m=1 ' Keep track of zoom level (actual zoom uses d,e,g,h,p,q) ' Line 30 prints the status line and calculates key step values. ' Space key jumps here. 30 POKE 23659,0: ' Allow printing on the bottom 2 lines PRINT AT 22,0;"Keys 5678 Space = Zoom ";m;"x";AT 0,0;: ' Print keys, zoom level and set printing to start at top POKE 23659,2: ' Reset bottom to lines to status ... in case of error or break LET p=(h-g)/31: ' Calculate the step interval for y (rows) LET q=(e-d)/21: ' Calculate the step internal for x (columns) IF m>2 THEN GOTO 20 ' This resets the zoom level when it gets too big ' Currently only allows 1x and 2x. We need to do a fix for 4x ' Line 40 is the main draw screen start ' It loops back here with NEXT c and NEXT r on each character 40 FOR r=d TO e STEP q: ' This is the y (row) step in the Mandelbrot set function domain FOR c=g TO h STEP p: ' Columns, or the 'x' axis of the screen, stepped in the equation domain LET x=0: LET y=0: LET i=1 ' Iteration depth - this is what forms the pattern 50 LET x2=x*x: ' Save calculating x^2 twice for speed LET y2=y*y: ' Save calculating y^2 twice for speed IF x2+y2>4 OR i>70 THEN GOTO 80 ' If x2+y2>4 or 70 iterations ... we are done with this character 60 LET o$=l$: ' Record old key before getting new key LET l$=INKEY$: IF l$<>"" AND o$<>l$ THEN GOTO 90 ' If someone is pressing a new key, process it ' NOTE: o$=l$ was a quick fix for double key presses 70 LET t=x2-y2+c: ' This is the core of the Mandlebrot-set. See wikipedia page LET y=2*x*y+r: LET x=t: LET i=i+1: ' Count the iterations - the number of iterations is the screen colour/character GOTO 50 ' The iterations for this character isn't done yet 80 PRINT PAPER 7-i/10;a$(i);: ' Make a background colour and print a character NEXT c: NEXT r: GOTO 30 ' Restart the screen again 90 LET k=CODE l$: ' Get the code LET w=PEEK (z+f): ' Get colour byte from memory LET w=((w>127)*(w-128))+(w<128)*w: ' Remove bit 7 (128) - that is the flash bit POKE z+f,w: ' Clear the old flashing position ' The next line calculates the movement of the cursor based on keys LET v=(k=56)-(k=53)+32*((k=54)-(k=55)): ' These are the codes for the keys 5 6 7 8 which are spectrum cursors keys LET f=f+v: ' Move the cursor LET f=(f>=0 AND f<768)*f: ' If cursor off the top or bottom of the screen, reset it to the top-left LET w=PEEK(z+f): ' Get the colour byte from memory. Is this redundant? POKE z+f,w+128: ' Make the new character position flash IF l$<>" " THEN GOTO 70 ' If not space bar pressed, carry on with iterations 100 LET m=m*2: ' Keep track of the zoom level ' Set the (p & q) ... these are the half the zoomed value (50%) LET p=(h-g)/4:LET q=(e-d)/4: ' NOTE p & q will be reset after the GOTO 30 LET y=INT(f/32): ' Convert f into height and width ... x and y will be reset afterwards LET x=(f-(y*32)): ' Basically f MOD 32 ... where 32 is the screen width in characters LET x=g+x*(h-g)/32: ' x and y mid point of screen zoomed in LET x=g+(f-(y*32))*(h-g)/32: LET y=d+y*(e-d)/22: LET d=y-q: ' Set the start/ ends (d & e, g, h) LET e=y+q: LET g=x-p: LET h=x+p: GOTO 30 ' Start screen again with new zoomed in view
## Variable list
The variables are shortened - which doesn't help with meaningful names. Here is a list of variables and their usage:
d = start y coordinate in mandelbrot domain
e = end y coordinate in mandelbrot domain
g = start x coordinate in mandelbrot domain
h = start x coordinate in mandelbrot domain
i = iteration depth
p = mandelbrot domain step for x for every coloum on screen
q = mandelbrot domain step for y for every coloum on screen
t = temporary used in calculations for new x and old x can be used in y calculation
x = used to calculate mandelbrot
y = used to calculate mandelbrot
x2 = x squared to reduce calculations
y2 = y squared to reduce calculations
r = screen row (y)
c = screen column (x)
z = colour attribute start address
f = screen position between 0 and 767
w = colour attribute byte
k = key code (number version of l$)
v = movement offset
a$ = screen characters to be printed based on depth
o$ = old key string
l$ = new key string
# Future enhancements
- Figure out why the colours apply to more characters on the Sinclair version
- Expand the colours
- Allow zoom levels of more than 2x
- Support shifted 5678 and/or WASD/wasd
- Support held key repeat for movement keys
- When over black cursor invisible
- Should CLS on zoom level change
- Remove redundant peek (if it is redundant)
Status | Released |
Category | Tool |
Author | BASIC 10Liner |
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