A downloadable game

# BASIC Tenliners Contest 2023  #
#                               #
# Lumberjack (PUR-80)           #
# (c) 2023 Roman Werner @romwer #
# email: roman.werner@gmail.com #

Lumberjack is an action puzzler with 9 different levels. No time pressure and with endless continues, so take all the time and tries you need. :)



You are Joe Splitwood, a fifth generation lumberjack, and you have received a challenge from your envious competitor,

Max Monkeybottom, that you will not succeed in cutting down five trees in five strokes!

"Five trees? Don't make me laugh. I'll raise you 47!" (47 is the age of Monkeybottom's most expensive bottle of whiskey).

"And I can repeat the whole challenge nine times! If I win, I get your best Macallen. If I lose I will retire."

Monkeybottom replies "What a Show Off, but great chance to get rid of you. For good. All right, but I choose the fields!". 

What Monkeybottom doesn't know is that you will use this bet to demonstrate your latest engineering gizmo:

A rotating 4-directional telescope axe that can cut down multiple trees at once.

What YOU don't know is, that greedy Monkeybottom sold every other square of his fields to mobile phone providers.

Their antenna pillars will make it difficult to move around and to freely use all four directions.

Oh dear! What impossible bet did you manoeuvre yourself into! Well... best of luck, sharp your axe and Good Timber!

Task and Goal


Cut down as many trees as possible in your five strokes. When you manage to cut down 47 trees ore more in total then you will be taken to the next field.

Repeat your mastery in all nine fields and the legendary whiskey bottle is yours (and Monkeybottoms envy will skyrocket).

Tip: Carefully plan the locations for your next swings so that there will be enough trees left for the remaining strokes.



Use Joystick in Port 2 to move your character along the free spaces on the field. You can also move diagonal when the corner spot is free.

Press the fire button to throw your axe in all four directions from your position, covering 5 squares for each direction.

Game Requirements:


- C64/C128* with BASIC 2.0 runtime environment (or compatible)

- 1 Player

*Also playable on Windows/MacOS/iOS/Android (C64 Emulator required)

Lumberjack BASIC program code:


0 c=5:print"{green}{clear} logs: 0"tab(14)"{black}lumber{orange}X{black}jack"l+1tab(32)"{green}qual: 47{down*3}":ifl>8thenprinttab(19)w$:end
1 a=rnd(-l-1):o=1604:fori=1to8:gosub7:print:printtab(12):forj=1to8:gosub6:print"{dark gray}{cm v}";:next:gosub6:next:gosub7
2 j=127-peek(j2):p=o+(jand8)/8-(jand4)/4+(jand2)*20-(jand1)*40:ifpeek(p)=160thenpokeo,160:o=p
3 pokeo,216:ifj>15thens=54272:pokes+24,15:b=170:gosub8:b=160:gosub8:c=c-1:print"{home}"tab(6)d
4 print"{home}{reverse off}{down*4}"tab(14)c"hits left":on-(c>0)goto2:pokeo,160:a=abs(d>46):h=h+d:d=0:poke214,23:?
5 printtab(13)mid$("{red}failed attempt!{green}great woodwork!",a*16+1,16);:waitj2,16,16:l=l+a:goto
6 print"{green}{reverse on}"mid$("Q ",rnd(1)*2+1,1);:return
7 poke53281,13:poke53280,13:print:printtab(12):fork=1to17:gosub6:next:j2=56320:w$="{pink}{cm d}{down}{left}{reverse on}m{orange}{cm l}{reverse off}{white}{cm f*2}":return
8 readp:fori=1to5:a=o+i*p:q=peek(a):on-(q=32orq=254)goto8:ifp=0thenrestore:return
9 d=d-(q=209):pokea,b:pokes+4,129:pokes+4,0:next:goto8:data-1,1,-40,40,0
Lumberjack BASIC program code (PUR-80 version using command abbreviations):
0c=5:?"{green}{clear} logs: 0"tA14)"{black}lumber{orange}X{black}jack"l+1tA32)"{green}qual: 47{down*3}":ifl>8tH?tA19)w$:eN
1a=rN(-l-1):o=1604:fOi=1to8:goS7:?:?tA12):fOj=1to8:goS6:?"{dark gray}{cm v}";:nE:goS6:nE:goS7
4?"{home}{reverse off}{down*4}"tA14)c"hits left":on-(c>0)gO2:pOo,160:a=aB(d>46):h=h+d:d=0:pO214,23:?
5?tA13)mI("{red}failed attempt!{green}great woodwork!",a*16+1,16);:wAj2,16,16:l=l+a:gO
6?"{green}{reverse on}"mI("Q ",rN(1)*2+1,1);:reT
7pO53281,13:pO53280,13:?:?tA12):fOk=1to17:goS6:nE:j2=56320:w$="{pink}{cm d}{down}{left}{reverse on}m{orange}{cm l}{reverse off}{white}{cm f*2}":reT

Tip: Copy/paste the program-Code into CBM prg Studio (http://www.ajordison.co.uk/).

There you can see the commands in nice color highlighting and you can directly execute the game in an emulator of your choice.



I first wanted to make a bomberman clone but quickly realized with PUR-80 that I have not much room for complexity.

But the bomberman arena setting allowed me to play with other ideas and the game turned out to be quite an original and challenging puzzler.

*Macallen: The most expensive whisky ever sold at auction



Lumberjack.d64 170 kB
lumberjack.prg 659 bytes
Lumberjack.txt 5.4 kB

Install instructions

Starting in VICE: C64 emulator (http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/):


Start the emulator and then drag and drop the "lumberjack.prg" into the VICE window.


Load the program with the command: load "lumberjack.prg",8

Then start the program with:       run


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This was a lot of fun to play, nicely done!

Excellent game, try to beat the last level! :)