Guess the Fruit by David Payne
A downloadable game
guess the fruit
think of a fruit
the computer will try to guess it via a series of yes/no questions
if it doesn't guess it then you tell it what the fruit is and enter a question and it will remember it the next time
when prompted for a yes/no reply simply enter a y or n (in upper or lower case)
when prompted for a Y/N question you don't have to enter the ? at the end
The emulator that I used is an online one: JSBeeb -
Simply copy and paste the source code into it and then type RUN
Technical information:
program structure (referring to the expanded version):
lines 10 to 16 - initialisation
lines 17 to 79 - main game loop
lines 80 to 84 - the y function
lines 90 to 100 - the questions and fruit data (the strings are encrypted in the 80 character version, otherwise you would be able to see all of the questions and fruit in the listing)
variables used:
q$(100) - array containing the questions and fruit
a(100,1) - array containing the yes/no links to the next question or fruit
together the q$ and a arrays make a binary tree where each node either has 2 children (the questions with yes/no links) or none (the fruit)
the binary tree can have up to a maximum of 101 nodes (50 questions and 51 fruits)
c - the number of nodes in the binary tree (total number of questions and fruit)
i - in initialisation section, loop counter to read the data into the q$ and a arrays
a$ - in initialisation section, the encrypted question/fruit string
h - in initialisation section, the length of the question/fruit string
j - in initialisation section, loop counter to decrypt the question/fruit string
i - in main program, the current node
h - in main program, the yes/no reply to the question (0 = no, 1 = yes)
j - in main program, the last question node visited
a$ - in main program, the reply to the "What is it?" question
b$ - in main program, the reply to the "Enter a Y/N question to differentiate between..." question
k - in main program, the reply to the "What is the reply for..." question (0 = no, 1 = yes)
y$ - in the y function, used to get a valid y/n reply
full listing with comments (for clarity the strings are stored as plain text in this version hence no need to decrypt them): initialisation string arrays are initialised with the null string, numeric arrays are initialised with 0 10DIMq$(100),a(100,1) 9 nodes (4 questions, 5 fruit) in the example binary tree 11c=9 read them in 12FORi=0TOc-1 13READq$(i),a(i,0),a(i,1) 14NEXT 15MODE7 set the starting node to the root node 16i=0 main game loop 17REPEAT if the current node is a question then ask it, the next node depends on the yes/no reply 30IFa(i,0)THENPRINTq$(i);:h=FNy:j=i:i=a(i,h):UNTIL0 the current item is a fruit so guess it 31PRINT"is it "+q$(i); if correct then start another game 40IFFNy THENPRINT"I got it!"':i=0:UNTIL0 if incorrect then prompt for the new fruit 41INPUT"I give up. What is it";a$ prompt for a Y/N question to allow differentiation between the guessed fruit and the new fruit 50PRINT"Enter a Y/N question to differentiate between "+q$(i)+" and "+a$ 60INPUT""b$ prompt for the y/n reply for the new fruit 61PRINT"What is the reply for "+a$; 62k=FNy create a new node for the question 63q$(c)=b$ set the yes/no node links 64a(c,k)=c+1 70a(c,1-k)=i link the previous question to the new one 71a(j,h)=c increment node count 72c=c+1 create a new node for the fruit 73q$(c)=a$ set the yes/no links to 0 74a(c,0)=0 75a(c,1)=0 increment node count 76c=c+1 77PRINT start another game 78i=0 79UNTIL0 function y gets a valid y/n reply and returns 1 if reply is y and 0 if n 80DEFFNy 81REPEAT 82INPUTy$ 83UNTILy$="Y"ORy$="y"ORy$="N"ORy$="n" 84=-(y$="Y"ORy$="y") each node has 3 values, the question/fruit, the no node link and the yes node link questions have 2 node links, fruit have none (i.e. the yes/no links are both 0) the simplest tree (1 question and 2 items = 3 nodes and so c should be set to 3) is given by DATAfirst question,1,2,item if reply is no,0,0,item if reply is yes,0,0 90DATAis it a citrus fruit,1,5,is it round,7,3,a lemon,0,0,does it have a stone 100DATA6,8,an orange,0,0,is it yellow,4,2,an apple,0,0,a banana,0,0,a peach,0,0
Status | Released |
Author | BASIC 10Liner |
Tags | 8-Bit, basic, basic10liner, bbc-micro |
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