A downloadable game

* FLOODIT  EP128 *

by FeCO, 2023

Basic10Liner Contest, EXTREM-256 Category


Recommended emulator: ep128emu (https://sourceforge.net/projects/ep128emu/) from IstvanV

Install the emulator then run ep128emu (i used "software mode'). You have to wait a while for the colorful ENTERPRISE logo then press a key.

 To load Flooder click on File, Load Snapshot, then select FlooderEP128.ep128s

You are now ready to RUN the game.

Its the well-known Flood-it game: press the numbers to paint the stage to the same color. Press F when you finished. I you see Fail, you loose, else you will see your points (less "move" earns more points).

Now press Reset or F11 and run the program again for the next "stage". Each stage has random difficulty, displayed by border color. You can use more or less keyboard (=color) to do the job.

The ELAN Enterprise 128 has very advanced BASIC but that BASIC has many limitations. It makes the "10 line limit"  progamming quite difficult: FOR...NEXT, IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF, and other commands (LOOK, PING for ex.)  cannot use multiple in one line, or maybe the end of the line. Because of this i have to use some tricks: the program contains only one for-next an one if..then command pairs. Thats why it is possible only one game/run, then you have to reset the computer, and run the program again.

There is a hidden level in the game, just delete the "!" from the end of line 1.



0...8(9) (depends the level, check the colors)

F - finish the stage (then the program will check the blocks


Program lines:

1 - set the graphic mode, colors, reset the variables, and random level 2 -5

E=1 - fill the field (line 4), E=0 - check the fields remaining (line 3, "C")

6 - read a key / print "Fail" and points, but in black color until the end of the game, then if c=0, Point has color, else if c>0 "Fail" has color and shows.

7 utilize the keypresses : paint the color depends the key, and add 1 to p variable.

8 if "f" pressed, starts to paint black (=0 for the LOOK command), GOTO2 with E=0 : check the fields and add colors if not black.

9 endif

10 goto 6 to read a key, and print the keys with colors. there is a 3 line limitation so i cant show the 9th color, it will be the hidden part.  Also i cant use another FOR command, so this line caused that this "less than PUR80" program can enter only to the PUR120 category.

Have fun!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorBASIC 10Liner
Tags10liner, 8-Bit, basic, enterprise128, enterprise64


FlooderEP128.ep128s 66 kB
FlooderEP128list.jpg 140 kB
Flooder_EP128_v2.rtf 2.8 kB

Install instructions

Recommended emulator: ep128emu (https://sourceforge.net/projects/ep128emu/) from IstvanV

Install the emulator then run ep128emu (i used "software mode'). You have to wait a while for the colorful ENTERPRISE logo then press a key.

 To load Flooder click on File, Load Snapshot, then select FlooderEP128.ep128s

You are now ready to RUN the game.

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