A downloadable project

# Doomfire10L

Doomfire10L is an implementation in MSX2 BASIC of Doom fire for PS1

Original source:


For smooth animation you can use Kun-BASIC but we recommend using an accelerated clock.


# Controls

Press space to stop/resume the effect.

Sources are stored at: https://github.com/robertocapuano/Doomfire10L

# Source Description


1 rem bload"x.bin",R:rem to use KUN BASIC decomment lines 1,100,160


- Decomment line to load Kun BASIC.


10 screen1,0,0:COLOR2,1,1:KEYOFF:CLS:DEFINTA-Z:B=base(5):R=RND(-TIME):R=4: BB=B+23*32:CB=BASE(6):


- screen1,0,0: Set text mode 32x24

- COLOR2,1,1: black color

- KEYOFF: hide function keys

- CLS: clear screen

- DEFINTA-Z: use integer variables

- B=base(5): base of framebuffer

- R=RND(-TIME): init random number generator

- R=4: BB=B+23*32:CB=BASE(6): constants used for base addresses


20  for i=0 to 4: READ R$:VPOKE  CB+8+I,VAL("&H"+R$) : next I


- load tile sets


100 rem _TURBOON(BB,R)


- Decomment line to enable turbo mode


105  S=32*24-1:for I=0 to S: vpoke BB+31-I, 64 : next I 


- scroll screen


110 for I=0 to 31: LL=R* (RND(1)* SIN(I/31 * 3.14)): vpoke BB+I,(8+LL)*8+LL : NEXT I


- generate random heat values and store them the last screen row


120 for J=0TO20:for I=0 to 31:A=BB-j*32+I:v= vpeek(a)mod8:d=RND(1)*3: AB=A - D +1 - 32: vpoke AB, (8+V)*8+V:NEXT I,J


- compute heat advection from bottom to top screen


150 K$=INKEY$:K=(K$<>""): R=-K*(4-R) + (1+K)*R:goto110:


- check key press, R is switched to stop/start generation of new heat values




- Decomment line to end of turbo section


310 DATA 11, 88, 99,  ba, 98,   64, 73, 82, 91, 100


- tile map


doomfire.bas 636 bytes
doomfire.dsk 720 kB
readme.md 2.3 kB

Install instructions

# Installation

Game was developed in MSX-BASIC v3 on a MSX2+. Emulator is available at https://webmsx.org/

1. connect to https://webmsx.org

2. click on the first floppy icon below the blue screen

3. Select "Add Disk Images"

4. Choose "doomfile.dsk"

5. type in:


load "a:doomfire.bas"



WebMSX Launch URL:


for a smoother effect use an accelerated clock:


Development log

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