A downloadable game

# Checker10L

Checker10L is an implementation in MSX2 BASIC of classic checker game: italian dama.

All classic rules are implemented: move, capture and promotion to king.

The game was inspired by [1K ZX Chess](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1K_ZX_Chess) and would like to be a small tribute.

# Controls

- Cursor keys to move the cursor

- Space to select a piece

- Space to move the selected piece.

When a piece reaches the furthest row it becomes a king.


- `.` empty cell

- `o` user piece

- `q` user king

- `O` opponent piece

- `Q` opponent king

Sources are stored at: https://github.com/robertocapuano/Checker10L

# Source

1 screen1,0,0:COLOR1,14,14:KEYOFF::DEFINTA-Z:B=6348:R=RND(-TIME):P(0)=46:P(1)=111:P(2)=79:P(5)=113:P(6)=81:B2=B+32*9:CLS:P1=0:P2=0:forJ=0to7:vpokeB-2+J*32,56-J:vpokeB2+J,97+J:forI=0to7:CK(I,J)=(1-(I+J)mod2)*(-1*(I<3)-2*(I>4)):nextI,J:
10 forJ=0to7:forI=0to7:vpoke B+32*(J)+I,P(CK(7-J,I)):nextI,J:gosub150:Q=(CK(R,C)and4):if (CK(R,C)and1)=0 then 10:else R0=R:C0=C:GOSUB150:if(R=R0+1or(Q=4 and R=R0-1))and abs(C0-C)=1 and CK(R,C)=0 then CK(R,C)=(CK(R0,C0)or(4*(-1*(R=7)))):CK(R0,C0)=0:goto60
20 CE=CK((R+R0)/2,(C+C0)/2):if(Q=0andR<>R0+2)orabs(R-R0)<>2orabs(C0-C)<>2orCK(R,C)<>0or(CE and2)<>2orQ<(CEand4)thenC=C0:R=R0:goto10:else:CK((R+R0)/2,(C+C0)/2)=0:CK(R,C)=(CK(R0,C0)or(4*(-1*(R=7)))):CK(R0,C0)=0:P1=P1+1:vpokeB2+95+P1,p(CE):beep:ifP1=12then1
60 AX=0:AI=0:DU=RND(1)*7:DV=RND(1)*7:forJ=0to7:forI=0to7:vpoke B+32*(J)+I,P(CK(7-J,I)):nextI,J: forJ=0to7:U=(J+DU)mod8:forI=0to7:V=(I+DV)mod8:Q=CK(U,V)and4:forK=-1to1 step 2:forL=-1to(-(Q=4))step2:if(L=-1 and U<2)or(L=1andU>5)or(CK(U,V)and2)<>2 then70
65 D=-(V<2)++(V>5)+(V>1)*(V<6)*K:T=-(U<2)++(U>5)+(U>1)*(U<6)*L:CE=CK(U+T,V+D):if(CEand1)=1and Q>=(CEand4) and CK(U+2*T,V+2*D)=0 then CK(U+2*T,V+2*D)=(CK(U,V)or(4*(-1*((U+2*T)=0)))):CK(U,V)=0:CK(U+T,V+D)=0:I=7:J=7:K=1:AI=1:vpokeB-96+P2,p(1):P2=P2+1:beep
70 nextL,K,I,J:if P2=12 then 1 else if AI=1 then 10
71 S=SGN(RND(1)-.5):forJ=0to7:U=(J+DU)mod8:forI=0to7:V=(I+DV)mod8:Q=(CK(U,V)and4):forK=-StoS step S*2:forL=-StoSstep2*S: if (Q=0 and L=1) or (L=-1 and U=0) or (L=1 and U=7) or (CK(U,V)and2)<>2 then75:else D= -(V<1) + +(V>6) + (V>0) * (V<7)*K: T= L:
73 NU=U+2*T:NV=V+2*D:BC=(NU>=0andNU<8)and(NV>=0andNV<8)and(AX=0):if CK(U+T,V+D)=0 and ((CK( U+2*T* -BC, V+2*D* -BC)and 1) =0) then CK(U+T,V+D)=(CK(U,V)or(4*(-1*((U+T)=0)))):CK(U,V)=0:K=11: AI = 1: J=7:I=7:K=1:L=1
75 next L,K,I,J:if AI=1 then 10:else if AX=0 then AX=1: goto71: else1
150 LOCATE10+C,13-R:k$=INPUT$(1):K=ASC(K$):if K=32then return: else if K=30andr<7thenR=R+1:goto150:elseifK=31andR>0thenR=R-1:goto150:elseifK=28andC<7thenC=C+1:goto150;elseifK=29andC>0thenC=C-1:GOTO150:ELSE150

# Source Description

1 screen1,0,0:COLOR1,14,14:KEYOFF::DEFINTA-Z:B=6348:R=RND(-TIME):P(0)=46:P(1)=111:P(2)=79:P(5)=113:P(6)=81:B2=B+32*9:CLS:P1=0:P2=0:forJ=0to7:vpokeB-2+J*32,56-J:vpokeB2+J,97+J:forI=0to7:CK(I,J)=(1-(I+J)mod2)*(-1*(I<3)-2*(I>4)):nextI,J:
- screen1,0,0: Set text mode 32x24
- COLOR1,14,14: black on grey
- KEYOFF: hide function keys
- CLS: clear screen
- DEFINTA-Z: use integer variables
- B=6347: base of framebuffer
- R=RND(-TIME): init random number generator
- P(0)=46:P(1)=111:P(2)=79:P(5)=113:P(6)=81 pieces ASCII codes
- B2=B+32*9 bottom of the board
- P1=0:P2=0: players points
- :forJ=0to7:vpokeB-2+J*32,56-J:vpokeB2+J,97+J:forI=0to7:CK(I,J)=(1-(I+J)mod2)*(-1*(I<3)-2*(I>4)):nextI,J: draw checkboard
10 forJ=0to7:forI=0to7:vpoke B+32*(J)+I,P(CK(7-J,I)):nextI,J:gosub150:Q=(CK(R,C)and4):if (CK(R,C)and1)=0 then 10:else R0=R:C0=C:GOSUB150:if(R=R0+1or(Q=4 and R=R0-1))and abs(C0-C)=1 and CK(R,C)=0 then CK(R,C)=(CK(R0,C0)or(4*(-1*(R=7)))):CK(R0,C0)=0:goto60
- forJ=0to7:forI=0to7:vpoke B+32*(J)+I,P(CK(7-J,I)):nextI,J draw pieces
- gosub150 read user input
- Q=(CK(R,C)and4): move user cursor
- if (CK(R,C)and1)=0 then 10: check if the cell contains an user piece
- R0=R:C0=C:GOSUB150: store starting position and read destination position of the piece
- if(R=R0+1or(Q=4 and R=R0-1))and abs(C0-C)=1 and CK(R,C)=0 check if is it a valid move
- CK(R,C)=(CK(R0,C0)or(4*(-1*(R=7)))):CK(R0,C0)=0:goto60 move the user piece
20 CE=CK((R+R0)/2,(C+C0)/2):if(Q=0andR<>R0+2)orabs(R-R0)<>2orabs(C0-C)<>2orCK(R,C)<>0or(CE and2)<>2orQ<(CEand4)thenC=C0:R=R0:goto10:else:CK((R+R0)/2,(C+C0)/2)=0:CK(R,C)=(CK(R0,C0)or(4*(-1*(R=7)))):CK(R0,C0)=0:P1=P1+1:vpokeB2+95+P1,p(CE):beep:ifP1=12then1
- CE=CK((R+R0)/2,(C+C0)/2): get cell at middle of the user move
- (Q=0andR<>R0+2) check if the user has made a simple move (1 cell)
- abs(R-R0)<>2 or abs(C0-C)<>2 or CK(R,C)<>0 or(CE and2)<>2 or Q<(CEand4) check if the user capture the opponent piece
- C=C0:R=R0:goto10 in case the move is illegal restart user selection
- CK((R+R0)/2,(C+C0)/2)=0: a valid capture is made
- CK(R,C)=(CK(R0,C0)or(4*(-1*(R=7)))):CK(R0,C0)=0: piece is moved
- P1=P1+1:vpokeB2+95+P1,p(CE):beep: user points are increased
- ifP1=12then1 if user captured all 12 pieces the game restarts
60 AX=0:AI=0:DU=RND(1)*7:DV=RND(1)*7:forJ=0to7:forI=0to7:vpoke B+32*(J)+I,P(CK(7-J,I)):nextI,J: forJ=0to7:U=(J+DU)mod8:forI=0to7:V=(I+DV)mod8:Q=CK(U,V)and4:forK=-1to1 step 2:forL=-1to(-(Q=4))step2:if(L=-1 and U<2)or(L=1andU>5)or(CK(U,V)and2)<>2 then70
- AX=0: flag to force any move
- AI=0: Opponent logic starts here, as first case we try to capture
- DU=RND(1)*7:DV=RND(1)*7: choose a random initial direction
- forJ=0to7:forI=0to7:vpoke B+32*(J)+I,P(CK(7-J,I)):nextI,J: refresh chessboard
- forJ=0to7:U=(J+DU)mod8:forI=0to7: start chessboard scan
- V=(I+DV)mod8:Q=CK(U,V)and4: get next cell
- forK=-1to1 step 2: check left/right direction
- forL=-1to(-(Q=4))step2: check forward/backward direction (only if piece is a king)
- if(L=-1 and U<2) or (L=1andU>5) or (CK(U,V)and2)<>2 then70 Check if piece can move
65 D=-(V<2)++(V>5)+(V>1)*(V<6)*K:T=-(U<2)++(U>5)+(U>1)*(U<6)*L:CE=CK(U+T,V+D):if(CEand1)=1and Q>=(CEand4) and CK(U+2*T,V+2*D)=0 then CK(U+2*T,V+2*D)=(CK(U,V)or(4*(-1*((U+2*T)=0)))):CK(U,V)=0:CK(U+T,V+D)=0:I=7:J=7:K=1:AI=1:vpokeB-96+P2,p(1):P2=P2+1:beep
- D=-(V<2)++(V>5)+(V>1)*(V<6)*K: row dispacement
- T=-(U<2)++(U>5)+(U>1)*(U<6)*L: column dispacement
- CE=CK(U+T,V+D): cell content
- if(CEand1)=1and Q>=(CEand4) and CK(U+2*T,V+2*D)=0 check if piace can move
- CK(U+2*T,V+2*D)=(CK(U,V)or(4*(-1*((U+2*T)=0)))) move piece
- CK(U,V)=0:CK(U+T,V+D)=0: clear previous cell
- I=7:J=7:K=1:AI=1:vpokeB-96+P2,p(1):P2=P2+1:beep an user piece was captured
70 nextL,K,I,J:if P2=12 then 1 else if AI=1 then 10
- nextL,K,I,J: close loop
- if P2=12 ... if opponent captured all pieces the game restarts
71 S=SGN(RND(1)-.5):forJ=0to7:U=(J+DU)mod8:forI=0to7:V=(I+DV)mod8:Q=(CK(U,V)and4):forK=-StoS step S*2:forL=-StoSstep2*S: if (Q=0 and L=1) or (L=-1 and U=0) or (L=1 and U=7) or (CK(U,V)and2)<>2 then75:else D= -(V<1) + +(V>6) + (V>0) * (V<7)*K: T= L:
- S=SGN(RND(1)-.5): no capture, the AI try to move in a random dir.
- forJ=0to7:U=(J+DU)mod8:forI=0to7:V=(I+DV)mod8: scan all cells
- Q=(CK(U,V)and4): cell content
- forK=-StoS step S*2:forL=-StoSstep2*S: adjacent row/col
- if (Q=0 and L=1) if cell empty or on edge
- (L=-1 and U=0)  near chessboard border
- (L=1 and U=7) near chessboard border
- (CK(U,V)and2)<>2: cell content
- D= -(V<1) + +(V>6) + (V>0) * (V<7)*K: T= L: select next cell
73 NU=U+2*T:NV=V+2*D:BC=(NU>=0andNU<8)and(NV>=0andNV<8)and(AX=0):if CK(U+T,V+D)=0 and ((CK( U+2*T* -BC, V+2*D* -BC)and 1) =0) then CK(U+T,V+D)=(CK(U,V)or(4*(-1*((U+T)=0)))):CK(U,V)=0:K=11: AI = 1: J=7:I=7:K=1:L=1
- NU=U+2*T:NV=V+2*D:BC=(NU>=0andNU<8)and(NV>=0andNV<8)and(AX=0) check if at next position the piece can be captured
- if CK(U+T,V+D)=0 if next cell is free make to move
- CK(U+T,V+D)=(CK(U,V)or(4*(-1*((U+T)=0)))):CK(U,V)=0: move the piece
- K=11: AI = 1: J=7:I=7:K=1:L=1: end loop
75 next L,K,I,J:if AI=1 then 10:else if AX=0 then AX=1: goto71: else1
- tie-break: in case AI cannot do a valid move
150 LOCATE10+C,13-R:k$=INPUT$(1):K=ASC(K$):if K=32then return: else if K=30andr<7thenR=R+1:goto150:elseifK=31andR>0thenR=R-1:goto150:elseifK=28andC<7thenC=C+1:goto150;elseifK=29andC>0thenC=C-1:GOTO150:ELSE150
- read user input


checker.bas 1.9 kB
checker.dsk 720 kB
readme.md 6.5 kB

Install instructions

# Installation

Game was developed in MSX-BASIC v3 on a MSX2+. Emulator is available at https://webmsx.org/

1. connect to https://webmsx.org

2. click on the first floppy icon below the blue screen

3. Select "Add Disk Images"

4. Choose "checker.dsk"

5. type in:


load "a:checker.bas"



WebMSX Launch URL:


for a faster gameplay use an accelerated clock:


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