Bonk'em (Atari 8-Bit) by Noah Burney
A downloadable game
# BONK'EM - BASIC 10Liner Contest 2024
This game is my entry for the [13th Edition of the BASIC 10Liner Contest](
It is intended for the "PUR-120" category, written in stock Atari BASIC.

## How to play
- Press `RETURN` to begin
- When the mole pops up, hit the corresponding key on your keyboard to bonk 'em
- The speed will gradually increase
- After you miss 5 moles, the game is over
# The source code
1DIM H(11,1):FOR I=0TO11:READ C:H(I,0)=C:READ C:H(I,1)=C:NEXT I:O=57344:QP=(PEEK(106)-8):Q=QP*256:POKE764,255 2FOR I=0TO999:POKE Q+I,PEEK(O+I):NEXT I:FOR I=0TO6:READ S:FOR L=0TO7:POKE Q+8*(8+I)+L,PEEK(Q+S*8+L):NEXT L:NEXT I 3GR.18:SE.0,12,6:POS.6,4:?#6;"BONK'EM":POS.3,9:?#6;"noah burney'24":FOR W=0TO999:ONPEEK(764)=12 GOTO4:NEXTW:GOTO3 4POKE756,QP:L=5:B=0:V=300:POS.0,0:?#6;".....":POS.19,0:?#6;0:FORR=0TO2:POS.0,1+3*R:SE.1,8,6:SE.2,4,9:SE.4,12,0 5?#6;"(---)(---)(---)(---)";:?#6;", ,, ,, ,, ,";:FOR C=0TO3:?#6;"*-";CHR$(H(R*4+C,0));"-+";:NEXT C:NEXT R 6M=INT(12*RND(1)):R=INT(M/4):C=M-R*4:X=2+5*C:Y=2+3*R:POS.X,Y:?#6;CHR$(14):POKE 764,255:T=V:V=V-5:IFV<50THENV=50 7POS.X,Y:HIT=(PEEK(764)=H(M,1)):ON HIT GOTO 9:T=T-1:ON T=0 GOTO 8:GOTO 7 8COL.3:?#6;"."; :L=L-1:D=(L=0):POS.L,0:?#6;" ";:ON D GOTO 3:FOR W=0TO200:NEXT W:POS.X,Y:?#6;" ";:GOTO 6 9?#6;CHR$(127);:B=B+1:PL=1+(B>9)+(B>99)+(B>999):POS.19-PL,0:?#6;B;:FOR W=0TO99:NEXT W:POS.X,Y:?#6;" ";:GOTO 6 10D.210,40,212,45,217,43,213,11,198,56,199,61,200,57,202,1,214,16,194,21,206,35,205,37,81,69,90,67,124,82,123
Install instructions
## How to run the game
The .atr disk image should be loaded into `D1:`, and contains an `AUTORUN.SYS` to launch the BASIC program automatically. Any emulator, such as Altirra, Atari800, etc. should be fine as long as it has BASIC enabled.
If the game does not automatically start, it can be started directly from BASIC by entering:
**NOTE**: There are two versions of the disk image. The main one is tuned for Altirra BASIC's GOTO speed, while the `-hardware.atr` version is tuned for stock Atari BASIC on a real Atari.
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Greetings Noah,
we hope you are doing great. I am Areeba (aka Titania) from the BrewOtaku-Team, we are launching BrewOtaku #002 - The Homebrew Gaming Magazine soon.
We loved your work and we have mentioned "Bonk’em” in it. Kindly share your contact details so we can share it with you. You are anyhow free to share this on your social media channels or homepage.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards