BBSMaze (TRS-80 MC10] by Jim Gerrie
A downloadable game
BBSMAZE.C10 (for PUR-120)
It can be played online here:
The latest VMC10 Emulator can be downloaded here:
Description of BBSMAZE Code
REM Init varaibles. 0 CLS:G=RND(PEEK(9)):V=32:W=16950:X=16952:Y=16949:Z=16945:M=16384:J=.25:I=.5:H=1:A=99:Q=0:B$=" ":GOSUB1:GOTO5 REM Print the Maze. 1 ?@.,B$B$" #####"," ######################"," ###"," #########################" 2 ?" ####"," ############ ############"," ####" 3 ?" ######################",B$"##",B$"################"," #######" 4 ?B$"##########"," ###### ######"," ########"," ###########",Q;:RETURN REM Top of main loop. 5 C=RND(416)+M:R=RND(480)+M:T=RND(480)+M:ON-(PEEK(C)<>143ORPEEK(R)<>143ORPEEK(T)<>143)GOTO5:POKER,B:POKET,42:B=106 REM Get arrow key input directly by PEEKing 6 K=.:P=PEEK(C):POKEC,80:IFPEEK(2)THENK=-(1ANDNOTPEEK(W))*V-(2ANDNOTPEEK(X))*I+(1ANDNOTPEEK(Y))*V+(4ANDNOTPEEK(Z))*J REM Check of directions for monster and test for collision. 7 G=R-C:S=-(G<=-5)*V+(G>5)*V-(G<.ANDG>-5)+(G>.ANDG<5):IFKTHENIFPEEK(C+K)<>ATHENC=C+K:N=PEEK(C):ON-(N=42ORN=B)GOTO9 REM Update Monster direction based on keys or random direction. 8 S=-(PEEK(R+S)<>A)*S:H=-(PEEK(R+H)<>A)*H-(PEEK(R+H)=A)*-H:S=-(S<>.)*S-(S=.)*H:R=R+S:GOSUB1:POKET,B:POKER,42:IFC<>RTHEN6 REM End game checks and return to top of main loop, or restart. 9 G=-(N=B):Q=Q+G:GOSUB1:POKET,B:POKEC,80:POKER,42:SOUNDG*B+1,10:INPUT"HIT enter";M$:N=0:GOSUB1:ON-(NOT(G))GOTO0:GOTO5 12 REM789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 13 REM INSPIRATION FOR 10-LINER 14 REM FROM ALLEN HUFFMAN 15 REM bbsmaze JIM GERRIE 2025 16 REM USE edop KEYS. GET THE 17 REM DIAMOND BEFORE THE BIG 18 REM BAD STUPID DIAMOND 19 REM EATER GETS YOU!
Install instructions
Make sure your emulator is configured for 20K (with the 16K RAM pack).
To Run the programs type CLOAD and hit Enter on the main emulator (green) screen.
Then use the Cassette menu under the File menu of the emulator to load the BBSMAZE.C10
Then type RUN and hit the Enter key.
BBSMAZE uses the EDOP keys specified.
For additional instructions, just LIST the program after loading.
You will see some REM statements listed after lines line 0-9 (the program)
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