10Line Bomber! 2025 (Mattel Aquarius) by loudscotsbloke
A downloadable game
The Competition Rules: Write a game in no more than 10 lines of code, with no more than 80* characters per line. Using only the standard power on built-in BASIC language.
System: Mattel Aquarius (unexpanded)
Programmer: Roy Templeman (@loudscotsbloke)
Stage: PUR80 **
** The Aquarius only supports 72 characters per line, so I am a whole line of characters shorter than most other micros
Game Rules and Instructions
You are Captain Arius, Commander of the AQU fleet. Your ship has been badly damaged in the battle with the Finorgg. You have lost shields and forward cannons. Armed with only Galloway warhead bombs, you are forced to try an emergency landing on the abandoned Grangor moon. The city is long abandoned, but it does have a landing zone! You must try and guide your damaged ship which is being forced down by the high gravitational field of the moon. Using your bombs, you must clear a landing path through the abandoned city scape.
There is only 1 key required to play 10Liner BOMBER! 2025, you simply press RTN (return/enter) to drop your bomb. The bomb will continue to the bottom of the screen, unless you press RTN again. If you press RTN before the bomb gets to the bottom, it will simply explode at the location it is currently at, and a new bomb will be dropped from your ship. Try and clear a path so that you can safely land. If you do let the bomb travel all the way down to the bottom, you will be awarded with a bonus points. Judge your drop zones carefully!
Once the game is over, you will be presented with your score. If you want to play again, simply type in ‘run’ and press RTN (return)
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very good