A downloadable game

Game Title: Space Splat

Author: Wiremu Te Kani

Language: Locomotive BASIC 1.1 (Amstrad)

Category: EXTREM-256


.WAV file (tape) attached.



A new game for the 10-Liner Compo for 2022.


"You're doomed. Earth is overthrown by Duploids: A space-race that colonizes planets with pre-fabricated bug ships. All you can do now is avoid getting stomped (left/right keys). Good Luck." This one only uses 9 lines. Here it is in its compact entirety below. The unravelled version of the BASIC program follows with handy REM statements showing what each command does.


The 10-LINER (In 9 lines):


10 r$=CHR$(10)+CHR$(13):r2$=r$+r$:b$=CHR$(143):b2$=b$+b$:b4$=b2$+b2$:s2$="   ":s4$=s2$+s2$:x1$=b$+" ":x2$=" "+b$:m1$=CHR$(4)+CHR$(1):u$=CHR$(11)+CHR$(11)
 20 PRINT m1$"YOU'RE DOOMED."r2$"Earth is overthrown by Duploids:"r$"A space-race that colonizes"r$"planets with pre-fabricated"r$"bug-ships."r2$"All you can do now is avoid"r$"getting stomped (left/right keys)."r2$"GOOD LUCK."
 30 PRINT r$"Press any key to start... the end":CALL &BB03:WHILE INKEY$="":WEND
 40 x=4:w2=12:h2=8:c=1:m$="352f2c282328231b23282c2823282c2f":PRINT m1$:WINDOW #0,1,15,1,24:WINDOW #1,1,40,25,25:EVERY 17 GOSUB 90
 50 PEN #0,2:PRINT #0,s4$x2$x2$r$s4$b4$b$r$s4$x1$x1$b$r$b4$b4$b4$b$r$b2$s2$b4$b$s2$b2$r$b2$s2$x2$x2$s2$x2$b$r$s4$b2$x2$b$
 60 FOR b=1 TO 25:x=x+((INKEY(8) XOR INKEY(71)) AND x>1)-((INKEY(1) XOR INKEY(63)) AND x<37):PEN #1,1:LOCATE #1,x,1:PRINT #1," ";CHR$(250+RND);" ":LOCATE #0,1,1:PRINT #0,u$;:IF x>=x2 THEN IF x<=x2+w2 THEN IF b>23-5 THEN 80
 70 SOUND 1,500+((b+x2)*10),13,4,12:NEXT:x2=RND*25:WINDOW #0,1+x2,15+x2,1,24:INK 2,2+(RND*26):GOTO 50
 80 CALL &BCA7:LOCATE #1,x,1:PRINT #1," _ ":WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:LOCATE #1,15,12:PEN #1,3:PRINT #1,"GAME   OVER":FOR a=2000 TO 1 STEP -50:SOUND 1,a,4,9,RND*15:NEXT:FOR a=1 TO 2000:NEXT:PEN 1:RUN
 90 DI:n=VAL("&"+MID$(m$,c,2)):c=(c+2) MOD 32:SOUND 2,n+n+n+n+n,26,6,1:EI:RETURN
  The Unravelled version, with comments:
100 ' Initialise
 101 r$=CHR$(10)+CHR$(13):' Control codes for a Carriage return (enter)
 102 r2$=r$+r$:' 2 Carriage returns
 103 b$=CHR$(143): ' Square block 8x8 pixels
 104 b2$=b$+b$: ' 2 blocks
 105 b4$=b2$+b2$: ' 4 blocks
 106 s2$="   ": ' 2 spaces
 107 s4$=s2$+s2$: ' 4 spaces
 108 x1$=b$+" ": ' 1 block, 1 space
 109 x2$=" "+b$: ' 1 space, 1 block
 110 m1$=CHR$(4)+CHR$(1):' Control codes for MODE 1
 111 u$=CHR$(11)+CHR$(11):' Control codes to move cursor up 2 space (scroll screen down)
  200 ' Premise and instructions
 201 PRINT m1$"YOU'RE DOOMED."r2$"Earth is overthrown by Duploids:"r$"A space-race that colonizes"r$"planets with pre-fabricated"r$"bug-ships."r2$"All you can do now is avoid"r$"getting stomped (left/right keys)."r2$"GOOD LUCK."
 202 ' Set the screen to MODE 1, and seperate lines of text with carriage returns.
  300 ' Any key to start
 301 PRINT r$"Press any key to start... the end": ' Print text
 302 CALL &BB03: ' Clear the key input buffer
 303 WHILE INKEY$="": ' Loop until key press
 304 WEND
  400 ' Set up play area for game
 401 x=4: ' Position player and enemy
 402 w2=12:
 403 h2=8:
 404 c=1:
 405 m$="352f2c282328231b23282c2823282c2f": ' Store musical notes data
 406 PRINT m1$: ' Mode 1
 407 WINDOW #0,1,15,1,24: ' Set up enemy area to move in
 408 WINDOW #1,1,40,25,25: ' Set up player area to move in
 409 EVERY 17 GOSUB 900: ' Play musical note every 17/300s sec
  500 ' Print enemy
 501 PEN #0,2:' Set the colour of the enemy
 502 PRINT #0,s4$x2$x2$r$s4$b4$b$r$s4$x1$x1$b$r$b4$b4$b4$b$r$b2$s2$b4$b$s2$b2$r$b2$s2$x2$x2$s2$x2$b$r$s4$b2$x2$b$:' Print enemy creature
  600 ' Player input and movement
 601 FOR b=1 TO 25: ' Begin a movement loop for the enemy (moves down the whole screen)
 602 x=x+((INKEY(8) XOR INKEY(71)) AND x>1)-((INKEY(1) XOR INKEY(63)) AND x<37): ' read keyboard to move player left/right
 603 PEN #1,1: ' Change colour for player
 604 LOCATE #1,x,1: ' Position player
 605 PRINT #1," ";CHR$(250+RND);" ": ' Print stickman (player)
 606 LOCATE #0,1,1: ' Move cursor to the top of the screen
 607 PRINT #0,u$;: ' Push up, to scroll enemy down
 608 IF x>=x2 THEN IF x<=x2+w2 THEN IF b>23-5 THEN 800: ' If the enemy touches player go to line 800
  700 ' Play dropping down sound, loop until enemy disappears, then set up new enemy
 701 SOUND 1,500+((b+x2)*10),13,4,12: ' Play dropping sound
 702 NEXT: ' Loop back to line 60 - enemy moves down. When it reaches the bottom
 703 x2=RND*25: ' Location of next enemy
 704 WINDOW #0,1+x2,15+x2,1,24 ' Position new enemy
 705 INK 2,2+(RND*26): ' Pick enemie's new colour
 705 GOTO 500: ' Start another enemy run
  800 ' Player dies, game over routine
 801 CALL &BCA7: ' stop keypresses
 802 LOCATE #1,x,1: ' change player from being a person
 803 PRINT #1," _ ": ' to a splatted pancake
 804 WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25: ' Position GAME OVER text
 805 LOCATE #1,15,12:
 806 PEN #1,3: ' Set up its colour
 807 PRINT #1,"GAME   OVER":
 808 FOR a=2000 TO 1 STEP -50: ' Plays death sound
 809 SOUND 1,a,4,9,RND*15:
 810 NEXT:
 811 FOR a=1 TO 2000: ' Game pauses for about 4 seconds
 812 NEXT:
 813 PEN 1: ' Resets colours
 814 RUN: ' Restart game
  900 ' Music plays on interrupts
 901 DI: ' Disable interrupts
 902 n=VAL("&"+MID$(m$,c,2)): ' Extract note from music data
 903 c=(c+2) MOD 32: ' move the playhead forward
 904 SOUND 2,n+n+n+n+n,26,6,1: ' Play the note (frequency is data multiplied by 5)
 905 EI: ' Enable interrupts


Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorBASIC 10Liner
Tags8-Bit, amstradcpc, basic, basic10liner, schneider


SpaceSplat_MASTER.cdt 1.8 kB
SpaceSplat_MASTER.wav 627 kB
Space Splat.rtf 8.7 MB

Install instructions

To load the program on an Amstrad:

Load the tape into its tape deck,

or in this case load the .WAV file into the emulator.

Type RUN"

Press PLAY then any key

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